15 Loyalty Program Best Practice Tips: Before & After Launch

Aim for the Best Loyalty Experience

Customer loyalty programs are crucial for growing your business and generating loyal, returning customers. However, simply launching a program is not enough—you need to implement proven best practices to create a loyalty program that truly engages customers.

In this article, we’ll walk through 15 loyalty program best practice tips and strategies for designing, launching, and optimizing a customer loyalty program effectively.

Customer Loyalty Program Best Practice Guide for Success

Acquiring new customers is important but retaining existing ones is even more critical for business success. With the average business losing up to 30% of its customers annually, reducing customer churn is a priority.

This is where a well-planned customer loyalty program comes in. By providing incentives and perks to your customers, you can increase retention, foster brand loyalty, boost referrals, and fuel growth.

Customer loyalty programs offer a multitude of benefits:

  • Increased customer retention. Loyalty programs encourage customers to make repeat purchases to earn rewards. This directly translates to higher customer retention rates.
  • Improved lifetime value and revenue. By incentivizing regular purchases, loyalty programs boost how much each customer spends with your business over their lifetime.
  • More referrals. Satisfied loyalty program members are much more likely to recommend your brand and program to friends and family.
  • Valuable customer insights. The data collected via loyalty programs provides valuable insights into your customers’ preferences and behaviors.

Read on to learn how to set up an effective reward program with our loyalty program best practice guide.

1. Create a Program that Aligns with Your Goals

The first loyalty program best practice is to clearly define the primary goals you want your program to achieve. This may be increasing customer retention, encouraging more purchases, or boosting average order value, for example.

Aligning to specific business objectives provides focus and direction. It ensures you design targeted initiatives that move the metrics that matter most.

  • For instance, if your goal is growing order values, offer rewards based on spending thresholds.
  • For goals like customer retention and reduced churn, offer exclusivity and early access.
  • Seeking more referrals? Provide incentives to members for sharing your customer loyalty program with friends.

Keeping a focus on goals enables ongoing refinement until your program is successfully driving the desired results.

2. Research Your Customers and Focus on Key Segments

Loyalty program best practice number two is to tailor your program specifically to your customers. Conduct market research to understand your different audience segments—their demographics, psychographics, purchasing habits, and loyalty drivers.

Group discuss market research for loyalty program strategies

  • Determine core customer personas and what motivates each. Some may be motivated by exclusivity and special benefits, while others want simple discounts, free items, and savings.
  • Identify your top-spending customer segment. This high-value group provides the majority of your revenue, so optimizing loyalty incentives for them drives exponential gains.
  • Gather insights into their needs and preferences. Surveys, online reviews, social media comments, and purchase history all provide valuable information here.

The more you know about your customers, the better you can custom-craft a loyalty program that resonates.

3. Determine Your Program Structure

Pick a loyalty program type that aligns best with your business. Selecting the right program model involves weighing factors like your business model, product mix, and customer behaviors.

How it works

Points-based loyalty programs are a great way for brands to incentivize repeat purchases and offer immediate gratification to customers.

Points programs typically reward customers with loyalty reward points for their purchases. These points accumulate over time with every purchase and can be redeemed for rewards or discounts.

Simple yet flexible customer loyalty programs are proven to see the highest satisfaction and engagement.

Determine earning and redemption value

  1. Decide on the points value1 point for every $1 spent is common, but the value of your products/services and your margins need to be taken into consideration. Generally, a rate of 1-10% in points for every dollar spent on purchases is recommended.
  2. Set up your rewards structure to align with the value of your loyalty points.
  3. Consider points expirations and caps based on your goals. For example, set a points limit to smooth earnings fluctuations but avoid short-term expirations to prevent frustration. Most businesses set points to expire after at least one year depending on the industry.

Balancing point earning rates and reward thresholds is important to maintain an optimal point economy. The goal is to engage customers while ensuring the sustainability of the program.

4. Design Attractive Rewards and Benefits to Encourage Engagement

Using the insights gathered in loyalty program practice #2, reward loyal customers with exciting offers and benefits that will resonate with them.

Loyalty program rewards

Offer a mix of reward types that encourage ongoing engagement. Keep rewards relevant to your brand—for example, apparel brands can offer free accessories. Exclusivity also adds value, so feature limited-edition merchandise or give early access to sales.

Keep an ear to the ground for the latest reward trends and leverage FOMO marketing strategies. The ultimate loyalty program reward catalog evolves continually to engage members.

5. Keep the Program Simple and Easy to Understand

Loyalty program best practice #5 is to make sure your program is intuitive and straightforward. Complex programs overwhelm users, limiting enrollment and engagement.

Begin by streamlining your loyalty program to the core essentials directly tied to goals. Avoid overly elaborate rules or complicated point systems—keep calculations easy. For example, 1 point per $1 spent.

Use clear, concise guides and visuals to explain the program, avoiding confusing jargon. FAQ pages help clarify common questions.

Minimize restrictions and limitations around earning and rewards. The more seamless and frictionless your customer loyalty program, the higher satisfaction and engagement will be.

6. Make Enrollment Enticing and Hassle-free

Similarly, this loyalty program best practice is ensuring that enrollment is effortless for customers. If the process is difficult and time-consuming, you deter sign-ups right out the gate.

  • Start by making the invitation compelling. Highlight the valuable perks members gain access to. Make them feel they’d miss out by not joining.
  • Make enrollment easy and simple. Only collect essential info upfront like name and email. Provide easy enrollment options via your website, social media, in-store, and even on receipts, flyers, and packaging.
  • Use incentives to encourage sign-ups. Welcome offers like free bonus points, discounts or free gifts encourage participation.

Hassle-free enrollment is step one on the path of cultivating lifelong brand loyalists.

7. Train Your Staff Thoroughly

Another important loyalty program best practice is proper staff training—ensure employees fully understand how the program works, its benefits, and rules so they can effectively convey them to customers and answer common questions.

Staff encouraging customer to join loyalty program

Motivate your staff to proactively promote the program and get customers signed up. Provide scripts and dialog examples so they know exactly what to say and how to say it. Roleplay common scenarios for practice.

Make it seamless for your staff to enroll interested customers on the spot by providing tablet access and streamlined signup flows.

8. Begin With a Pilot Group Before the Full Rollout

Consider this loyalty program best practice if you want to test your program on a small scale first. This allows you to work out kinks before going all in. Begin with a pilot group—perhaps employees or select customers, or with just one location.

Monitor the pilot for key insights into reward popularity, technical issues, lack of clarity, and more. The feedback enables refinements so that the full launch goes smoothly.

9. Craft a Distinctive and Consistent Brand Messaging

Develop a loyalty program campaign theme that reinforces your brand identity. Brainstorm creative, catchy names that reflect your brand’s personality and evoke the loyalty program’s benefits.

Consistent visuals and messaging train customers to recognize and recall your program. Ensure ease of comprehension—the idea should click instantly. Aim for relevance and exclusivity over hard-sell offers.

A well-designed loyalty scheme sparks enrollments and excites loyal customers, transforming a standard loyalty program into a true brand community.

10. Announce Your Brand New Program to Existing Customers

Once you have settled on a campaign theme in loyalty program best practice #9, it’s time to incorporate it creatively across all customer touchpoints for the launch.

Build excitement pre-launch

Use teasers and “coming soon” messaging to generate buzz and anticipation. Strategically build intrigue leading up to launch with vague hints about the awesome new thing coming.

Make launch announcement

Inform customers when the program goes live via all your marketing channels. Mark the launch event with fanfare across in-store displays, website banners, dedicated landing pages, and social media posts spotlighting the announcement.

Run email and SMS campaigns to notify existing customers of your new loyalty program. Keep it succinct yet compelling—use subject lines that spark interest.

Showcase why joining is a valuable opportunity and highlight the key benefits of membership. Make clear calls to action to enroll in the program.

11. Promote Regularly Across Channels to Increase Awareness

This loyalty program best practice is not to be overlooked: promote your program regularly even post-launch to continuously acquire new members.

Friends browing loyalty program on smartphone

  • Create engaging social media posts and videos highlighting member-exclusive perks and new rewards.
  • Run contests and giveaways to encourage enrollments and referrals.
  • Leverage influencer marketing by partnering with brand ambassadors.
  • In-store efforts are equally as important. Ensure posters and signage are prominently displayed.
  • Highlight loyalty offerings on flyers, brochures, and packaging.
  • Train staff to proactively mention and promote the program during customer interactions.

The more touchpoints, the higher the opportunity to grab attention and sign-ups.

12. Continuously Monitor and Analyze Performance

Loyalty program best practice #12 is monitoring and analyzing your loyalty program performance using key metrics and analytics. This provides visibility into what’s working well and what needs improvement.

Adjust your program based on insights from the data to maximize engagement and satisfaction. Customer analytics should guide the evolution of your loyalty program long-term.

13. Collect Customer Feedback to Optimize Your Program

Even the data analytics gathered in our previous loyalty program best practice only reveal part of the picture. For the complete view, collect feedback directly from customers to optimize your program.

Run surveys with current members that gauge satisfaction levels and identify pain points. Ask about their likeliness to recommend and overall experience.

Keep a pulse on customer sentiment by tracking online reviews and mentions on social media. Identify common themes and trends such as reward preferences that will guide your optimization efforts.

14. Delight Customers with Diversified Offers

Offer a variety of rewards

The best loyalty programs offer a diverse selection of rewards and benefits to keep things fresh and exciting for members. This includes not only discounts and free gifts, but also double or triple points days, limited-time offers, special experiences, and more.

Seasonal campaigns

Another strategy is to run exclusive promotions timed around key events to reward your best, loyal customers. Mark major holidays and events with special perks like double points or free gifts to spark seasonal joy.

15. Make Your Loyalty Program Mobile-Friendly

With rising mobile usage, this final loyalty program best practice is a no-brainer: allow members to easily access your reward program on the go with a mobile experience.

Did you know?

  • According to Statista, 86% of the global population are smartphone users while 96% of them use their mobile phones to access the internet.
  • 79% of Americans are more likely to join a loyalty program that doesn’t require them to carry a physical loyalty card.
  • 75% of consumers say they prefer to engage with a loyalty program they can access from their smartphones.
  • 70% say they would use a mobile loyalty program if they didn’t have to download an app.

Shoppers using app-free, mobile loyalty program

App-free Mobile Loyalty Program

With RewardPocket, your customers have an effortless way to sign up, earn points, track rewards progress, and redeem them, all with their smartphones—no need to carry physical loyalty cards or download an app!

Businesses don’t need to install any software or have any coding skills either. As a business owner, you have access to your own dashboard where you can conveniently set up and manage your loyalty program, and review analytics in one place.

Opt for a seamless, engaging loyalty program experience that will keep your customers coming back to your business. Get started today!

Key Takeaways

  • Follow these loyalty program best practice guidelines to build an effective customer loyalty program.
  • Clearly identify your objectives and target audience by researching customer needs and preferences.
  • Choose a program structure that aligns with your business model.
  • Offer compelling rewards tailored to what motivates your audience.
  • Make enrollment and participation simple and engaging.
  • Promote consistently via email, SMS, social media, and in-store displays to maintain visibility.
  • Continuously track performance data and seek customer feedback to optimize your program.
  • Deliver a remarkable experience throughout by focusing on simplicity, convenience, and relevance.
  • Select a mobile loyalty program for convenient on-the-go access to encourage adoption.


Customer loyalty programs provide unrivaled opportunities to increase profitability and cultivate lasting brand advocates. However, success requires diligent planning, promotion, and continual optimization.

By following the loyalty program best practice outlined in this article, you can create a customer loyalty program tailored to your business that boosts retention, engagement, and growth over the long term.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Loyalty Program Best Practice

What are the best practices for managing a loyalty program successfully?

Implement these 5 loyalty program best practice for successful program management:

  1. Define your objectives clearly.
  2. Research your customers’ preferences and motivations.
  3. Structure your program to be easy to understand and engaging.
  4. Regularly promote across all marketing channels.
  5. Make your loyalty program mobile-friendly to increase adoption.

What should a good loyalty program have?

An effective customer loyalty program is built on a few core elements:

  1. Quick, simple sign-up process to encourage enrollment.
  2. Compelling rewards that match your brand and appeal to customers.
  3. Easy steps to earn points and redeem rewards.
  4. Simplicity, convenience, and ease of use.
  5. On-the-go access through a mobile device.

How do you structure a loyalty program?

A tried-and-true way to structure a loyalty program is the points-based program. Customers earn points for each purchase and can redeem their accumulated points for rewards. The amount of points is calculated based on order value and according to rules set by the business. A point ratio of 1 point per $1 spent is commonly used.

How do you attract customers to your loyalty program?

Get your customers to join and actively participate by following these loyalty program best practice tips:

  1. Promote your customer loyalty program online and in-store.
  2. Highlight value, ease of use, and benefits of joining.
  3. Offer sign-up incentives like initial bonus points, and make their first reward achievable after 1-2 purchases.
  4. Run contests and giveaways on social media to encourage participation and referrals.
  5. Train your staff to encourage sign-ups during customer interactions.