Privacy Policy

RewardPocket’s Privacy Policy
Last Updated: 10/09/23

Welcome to which is owned and operated by Digital Spark Media Ltd. (“RewardPocket”, “We”, or “Us”). By visiting or accessing or any of its related applications, dashboards, or platforms (individually and collectively, the “Website”), or by signing up for any services (“Services”) or purchasing any products (“Products”) from RewardPocket, you are agreeing to the following privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”), which, together with the Terms and Conditions govern your use of the Website, the Services, and Products. Terms used in this Privacy Policy have the same meaning as those set forth in the Terms and Conditions, unless otherwise specified. The term “You” in this Agreement means any person or entity who accesses the Website, uses the Services, or purchases any of the Products.

  1. Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy governs how we use the information you provide to us in connection with the Website, the Services, and the Products. Therefore, it is critical that you review and understand this Privacy Policy. We may change this Privacy Policy periodically and will notify you by posting the updates on the Website. You should review this Privacy Policy periodically, as your use of the Website indicates your continuing acceptance of the provisions current at the time of your use.
  2. Applicable Information: This Privacy Policy applies to the information you provide us on the Website. “Personal Information” consists of your, or your client’s, first and last name, e-mail address, physical address, login information, billing information, credit card number, mobile device type, ads you click on, and any contact information you provide us. It also includes information related to your use of the Website, such as the date and time of your visits, IP address, and other information gathered through the use of cookies (see definition of “cookies” below). Personal Information does not include information you provide for our public use in connection with the Website, such as the information you provide for your personal profile and the items defined in the Terms and Conditions as “Received Materials” and “Uploaded Materials.” Those items are, by their nature, intended for public use, and they are governed by the license you grant in our Terms and Conditions.
  3. Use of Personal Information: We never sell, rent, lease, or make available your Personal Information for use by any third party. However, we may internally use your Personal Information to improve the Website, to improve your experience as you use the Website, to customize and communicate informational or product offerings and promotions to you, and to make our Services more helpful or useful to other users. We may use the services of a third party to perform these functions. In addition, we may allow ad exchanges, web analytics vendors, social networking platforms and other third parties to collect certain data and other non-personally identifiable information when you visit our Site. These companies may use non-personally identifiable information (e.g., search and click stream information, browser type, time and date, the identity or type of advertisements clicked or scrolled over) during your visits to this and other web sites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services likely to be of interest to you. By way of example, these companies may use a cookie or web beacon to collect this information.
  4. Cookies: A cookie is a very small text document, which often includes an anonymous unique identifier. Cookies can help differentiate you from other users and keep you from having to log in repeatedly. When you visit a website, that site’s computer asks your computer for permission to store this file in a part of your hard drive specifically designated for cookies. Each website can send its own cookie to your browser if your browser’s preferences allow it, but (to protect your privacy) your browser only permits a website to access the cookies it has already sent to you, not the cookies sent to you by other sites. Browsers are usually set to accept cookies. However, if you would prefer not to receive cookies, you may alter the configuration of your browser to refuse cookies. If you choose to have your browser refuse cookies, it is possible that some areas of the Website will not function as effectively when viewed by the users. A cookie cannot retrieve any other data from your hard drive or pass on computer viruses. You must disable cookies on each computer you use and for each browser on each computer.
  5. Unsubscribing: If you wish us to stop sending offers and promotions to you, you may unsubscribe at any time by clicking unsubscribe on digital material or contacting us.
  6. Cooperation with Authorities, Consent to United States Processing: RewardPocket complies with all applicable laws and regulations. This may require cooperation with governmental authorities with respect to information we receive from you. If we believe it is necessary, in our sole discretion, to disclose information about you to law enforcement officials or in connection with a court proceeding, you hereby consent to such disclosure. In addition, if we believe a disclosure of such information is necessary to protect our property and rights, to protect public safety, or to prevent potentially illegal or unethical conduct, we may disclose certain information, and you consent to such disclosure. If you reside outside the United States, your local laws may afford a higher degree of protection to your Personal Information than provided under United States law. Your use of the Website constitutes your consent to have your Personal Information transferred to, collected by, and processed by servers in the United States.
  7. Assignment of Rights to Information: In the event of the sale, acquisition, or merger of Digital Spark Media Ltd. or of all or substantially all of its assets, and in the event of any other change of control of RewardPocket, your Personal Information, Received Materials, and Uploaded Materials, in addition to all other information possessed by RewardPocket may be transferred, sold, or shared in connection with such transaction. In that event, your Personal Information will still be subject to the same protections as provided herein.
  8. Child Online Privacy Protection Act: RewardPocket complies with the Child Online Privacy Protection Act (“COPPA”). Our Terms and Conditions govern our activities and your conduct in relation to COPPA.
  9. California Users: California residents are entitled once a year to request and obtain certain information regarding our disclosure, if any, of personal information to third parties for their direct marketing purposes during the immediately prior calendar year (e.g. requests made in 2016 will receive information about 2015 sharing activities). As set forth in this privacy policy, we comply with this law by offering our visitors the ability to tell us not to share your personally identifiable information with third parties for their direct marketing purposes. To make such a request, please contact us. You must include this Website as the subject line, and your full name, e-mail address, and postal address in your message.
  10. Deleting Your Information: If you have registered with us, you may delete the Personal Information in your account by contacting us. We will make commercially reasonable efforts to delete such information upon request. We may archive all or some of your Personal Information as we believe may be required by law or for legitimate business purposes.
  11. Community Features: The Website may provide, at its sole discretion, one or more sharing features, review submission features, chat areas, message boards, e-mail functions, messaging services, file communities, polls, surveys, and other services (collectively, the “Community Features”). We provide these Community Features subject to the Terms of Use, and the community guidelines set forth below. Any user who posts content in the Community Features (“Community Content”) is responsible for the reliability, accuracy and truthfulness of such Community Content, and we have no control over the same. In addition, we have no control over whether any such posted material is of a nature that users will find offensive, distasteful or otherwise unacceptable and we expressly disclaim any responsibility for such material. By using any of the Community Features, you acknowledge and agree that information you post or otherwise make public will be available to the public.
    Please review our restrictions on use and guidelines for Community Features. In addition, please note that this Privacy Policy does not apply to any information you may disclose publicly in any Community Feature. You should keep in mind that whenever you publicly disclose information about yourself online, that information could be collected and used by people that you do not know. We bear no responsibility for any action or policies of any third parties who collect any information users may disclose in Community Features or other public areas, if any, of this Website.
    In consideration for your use of the Website’s Community Features and functionality, you agree to comply with the Community Guidelines set forth below. Users who violate the community guidelines, may, in our sole discretion, be permanently banned from using the Website.
  12. Partners rights to their clients: A paying partner has 100% rights to any clients they signup unless they violate any terms which cause them to be de-platformed and at this point RewardPocket assumes the responsibility to decide which party has ownership of the Partners clients n a case by case basis. RewardPocket does not and will not pursue any profit from a Partners Clients and only reserves the rights to the clients in the event a Partner gets de-platformed.
  13. Safeguarding Your Information. RewardPocket values very highly the security of your Personal Information. We have implemented reasonable security measures to ensure that security. While no system can be guaranteed to be 100% secure all the time, we strive to use the best practices used in the community to protect your Personal information. We will make any disclosures that are required by the law in the event we discover any breach of the security of your Personal information, including notifying you via e-mail or conspicuous posting on the Website without unreasonable delay.
  14. Community Guidelines: Entering any Community Feature will constitute acceptance of the Community Guidelines. If you do not agree to abide by the Community Guidelines, please do not enter any Community Features. You are entirely responsible and liable for all activities conducted by you within the Community Features, including the transmission, posting, or other provision of Community Content to any portion of the Community Features. listed below are some, though not all, violations that may result in us terminating or suspending your access to Community Features on a temporary or permanent basis, as determined by us in our sole discretion. You agree not to do any of the following actions while using any of the CommunityFeatures:
    1. Violate these Community Guidelines or abuse the community purpose of the chat areas.
    2. Participate in any part of the Site if you are under the age of 18.
    3. Use profanity, obscenities, or **asterisks** or other “masking” characters to disguise profane or obscene words.
    4. Use obscene, lewd, slanderous, pornographic, abusive, violent, insulting, indecent, threatening and harassing language of any kind.
    5. Impersonate other users.
    6. Attack (flame or “cyberbully”) individuals, companies or products, although you are otherwise welcome to offer your opinions or comments on the subject at hand.
    7. Post topics on message boards, on the Site or within any of the Community Features that are unrelated to the subject of the Website.
    8. Advertise or promote other companies or URL’s.
    9. Include advertising in communications.
    10. Post material that is copyrighted, protected by trade secret or otherwise subject to third party proprietary rights, including privacy and publicity rights, unless you are the owner of such rights or have permission from their rightful owner to post the material and to grant us all of the license rights granted herein.
    11. Include advanced fonts, java, tables, html, or other programming codes or commands in messages.
    12. Distribute or otherwise publish any Community Content containing any solicitation of funds, promotion, advertising, or solicitation for goods or services. You also hereby acknowledge that you are prohibited from soliciting other guests to join or become members of any commercial online service or other organization.
    13. Collect or harvest the information of any user or otherwise access the Website using automated means (including but not limited to harvesting bots, robots, spiders or scrapers).